There were significant real ‘pogroms’ (relatively indiscriminate campaigns of localized mob-led violence) against Jews in the late Russian empire, but it serves you to dismiss them and me to exaggerate them
That it does. Or rather, it would serve you to reframe me as dismissing pogroms. However, I do not need to dismiss anything real. Pogroms against Jews are not something rare in premodern European history, and pogroms definitely happened in the late 19th century/early 20th century Russian Empire too (the reverse also happened and, given Jewish prominence in organized crime in e.g. Odessa and thus better organization and greater access to advanced weaponry, was comparably brutal, but has been deemed profoundly uninteresting by history).
But this is not the problem. The main point of contention back then has been that Russian authorities, with Tsar's knowledge even, have encouraged pogroms, cooperated with the mob, and demonstrated conspicuous lenience towards the pogromshiks. Today this is shown to have been fiction, concocted by Western journalists to smear and delegitimize Russian monarchy; and the grand narrative of terrible Tsarist Anti-Semitism bordering on genocidal intention has been produced on the basis of a forged letter. Says Steven Zipperstein:
Most of what ends up being remembered about the Kishinev pogrom is actually a byproduct of forgery. And those misconceptions are still being widely believed by many Jews and some Jewish scholars today.
Part of the knowledge that ends up being canonized is that the pogrom was organized by the imperial Russian government, specifically by Minister of the Interior Vyacheslav von Plehve. A document that surfaces right after the riot, the so-called “Plehve letter,” which places the full responsibility for the pogrom on the shoulders of the government, has an enormous impact. Because of this letter America opens up relatively unrestricted immigration for Jews, in contrast to the Chinese, for example. But that Plehve letter is now known to be forged. [...]
Many also criticized the Russian army for not protecting the Jews and allowing the pogrom to happen. This is also misconstrued. My research, and that of others too, shows that the Russian army stationed nearby was called upon to stop the attack and does respond as soon as it is called upon to do so. But what armies do and don’t do in Russia during this period with regard to civil disorder is complicated.
It is precisely this sort of strategy, though, that I suggest could be used by Israeli authorities in case of major Israeli Arab insurrection that you say would be impossible to fight: just turn the blind eye to a patriotic mob beating them down.
Or to borrow another page, now a real one, from the Russian playbook: shrug when some unregistered weaponry from «Voentorg» shows up on Jewish team.